Protecting your mental health during divorce

Divorce and separation are up among the most stressful situations that people can go through, even if it is relatively amicable. This can be made even worse when there are others involved – children, for example. It is essential, however, that you do what you can to care for your mental health, especially at these times.

Going through a breakup and consequent divorce can be overwhelming for anybody and taking care of your mental health might seem like the last thing that you want to do. But if you are feeling like this, it is almost certainly the first thing that you should be doing!

When it comes to looking after your mental health, there are a number of ways that you can help yourself. Of course, given the situation, you are not going to be able to make yourself happy necessarily, but you will be able to cope with the situation more easily.

There are several strategies that you can use to help to protect your mental health, specifically when you are going through a divorce or separation. In this article, we will look at some of the strategies that you have available to you.

Try not to face things alone


can give you a new freedom, but that does not mean that you are alone. Think about who your support network is made up of – your friends, family, perhaps someone that you do not know so well but has been through it themselves – and use them.

Remember that you are not alone, and you don’t need to face things on your own. You should also make sure that you talk to your children if you have them, answer their questions as honestly as you can, make them feel involved, but don’t bad mouth your (ex)partner to them.

Take time to reflect

When people go through a divorce, they go through a number of different feelings and emotions. It is important to remember that all of these emotions are valid, whether it is sadness, anger, envy, liberation, or another emotion.

Try to reflect on the fact that negative emotions will not last forever and focus on the future. Some people recommend keeping a diary as a way to get your emotions out in a healthy manner and give you a chance to reflect on how you are feeling.

This is also an effective way for you to look back over time and see how far you have come emotionally.

Be kind to yourself always

Going through a divorce can be a big change in your life, and it can be very easy to beat yourself up about how you are feeling, how much you have moved on (or not), and other aspects of your life.

Try to be as kind to yourself as you can. Forgive yourself for the times that you might be struggling and try to treat yourself occasionally to show yourself how much you value yourself.

You can do this mentally, but also by getting regular fresh air and sun, eating healthily, taking regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and spending time with friends and doing what you enjoy.

All of this will help to make your body happier, and subsequently, your mind.

Look into professional support

If you think that you are struggling with your mental health, never forget that there is professional support always available to you. Whilst spending time with friends and family is often enough, it is not always.

Don’t be worried about looking for professional mental health support, it is perfectly normal, especially if you are going through a tough time such as divorce. There are plenty of mental health charities that can help you, and it is far better to see them before it gets too bad than waiting until you feel very low.

You can also access mental health support through the NHS, and the Samaritans are available 24/7 to talk to you on 116 123.

Seek legal advice with Waldrons

Being informed about your legal situation when it comes to divorce is another way that you can help your mental health. Eliminating the chance of surprises and being clear about the future process of your divorce can help you to feel more confident and less anxious.

Here at Waldrons, we have family law solicitors ready to speak to you about your divorce when you need us. We will be able to talk you through the process and get the ball rolling, ensuring the best outcome for you, with as little stress as possible.

Contact Waldrons solicitors

Here at Waldrons our team of expert solicitors are on hand to speak to you, get in touch today!

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Last reviewed on 11/07/23 by Alka Wood who is a Solicitor