My journey into the Legal Profession

Tuesday 30th January 2024

by Morgan Martin-Booth – Paralegal, Private Client Department

As a former Ounsdale High School student, after finishing my GCSE’s, I decided to continue my education and I had two options, one of them was to study Law by doing a B-Tec at Sixth Form or alternatively go to college and study Law at A Level.  I also had to choose two other subjects to study alongside Law. 

After much consideration, I decided to take the college route and applied to King Edward VI College where my application was successful and started my A Levels in September 2019.

I studied Law, Business Studies and Sociology and I completed my first year but then Covid hit and this made me think about my future options.

An opportunity arose at Waldrons Solicitors and already knowing that I wanted to pursue a career in Law, I decided to apply for a Business Administration Apprenticeship which would allow me to study and gain experience at the same time over a course of 18 months.  I felt this was a good opportunity to get on the ladder into Law and luckily for me I was offered a position as Administration Assistant within the Non-Contentious Department.  I assisted the department which covers many areas of Law to include Private Client, Commercial, Employment, Corporate and Telecoms.  I have learnt many new skills, gained confidence and experience and from then I knew this was the career I wanted to pursue and I had made the right choice by doing an apprenticeship.  I successfully passed this apprenticeship and went on to further my career by being offered another apprenticeship at Waldrons for a further 18 months, which was working towards becoming a Paralegal.

Over the last 18 months, I have been under the direct supervision of Dawn Cash, Director and Head of Private Client who has also been my mentor.  I have learnt an abundance of knowledge from Dawn.  My role significantly changed from doing day to day administration for several areas of law to drafting legal documents, speaking with clients, attending meetings and working alongside my fellow colleagues in the Private Client Department whilst studying part time. 

In my Paralegal Apprenticeship I studied 12 modules and created a portfolio of evidence to support the work I have been doing.  I also attended course workshops with law tutors and other Paralegal Apprentices which helped me develop my knowledge of the law further.  The apprenticeship coupled with  working within a law firm has given me a better understanding of what is required to pursue a career in law and I have also been given encouragement and continuous support throughout the this time.  I sat my exams in October 2023, and was delighted to learn that I had passed in December, a great Christmas present that came early.

I would definitely recommend doing an apprenticeship as an alternative route to reaching your career goals. I have found the last 3 years to be an invaluable lesson and never thought I would be as far forward with my success so far at a young age. 
