Waldrons Medical Negligence Lawyer achieves specialist accreditation

Monday 15th March 2021

We are proud to confirm that Adam Smith, who works in our Medical Negligence department, has received confirmation that his specialist accreditation with the Law Society is being maintained.

Adam has been accredited by the Law Society as being a specialist Clinical Negligence solicitor. The accreditation is a recognised quality standard for lawyers representing individuals in clinical negligence matters, showing that Adam has proven competency and expertise in this area of law, complying with the Law Society’s best practice quality mark.

Adam has been accredited for several years now, which is an excellent achievement bearing in mind how difficult accreditation is to obtain: out of more than 20,000 organisations registered with the Law Society, only 150 firms have a solicitor with this accreditation; there are more than 190,000 people registered with the Law Society as working within the law, but only 364 have the accreditation. That means that less than 1% of firms have a panel member, and less than 0.2% of solicitors are accredited.

By choosing Waldrons to investigate your medical negligence matter, you will therefore have peace of mind about having access to the specialist expertise that you need. If you, or someone you know, would like advice about your rights, please click here to contact us and one of the team will be in touch to discuss your case.