Preparing children for christmas

Tuesday 19th October 2021

There are many uncertainties in life…… will I be able to get petrol, will the supermarket shelves be empty, and will I be able to celebrate at Christmas as I want to do this year? All questions the media are making us wonder at the moment, which for some only add to the day to day stresses of trying to juggle work, childcare and school runs, especially where parents are separated.

Separated Parents Agreements

It is good to try and agree arrangements for children and have a routine, and communication is key between separated parents to ensure the children are not involved in arguments and disagreements which can be confusing and upsetting for them.

Avoid Disagreements

Making plans in advance and agreeing the time each parent will spend with the children, particularly for special times of the years, will hopefully avoid last minute disagreements and will be one less thing on the To Do List so you can enjoy the time with the children.

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Contact the Family Law team on 01384 811811 for more information.