Mental wellbeing when working from home

Friday 15th May 2020

One step Waldrons have taken to support their staff is to ask for Wellbeing Ambassadors – volunteers who are willing just to have a chat and a virtual coffee with their colleagues for a change of person/face and a little bit of social interaction over the phone or video. It’s a simple step you can do too. Whilst most people may be in contact with members of their teams, don’t forget those who are furloughed and someone outside the team may be able to ive some respite from talking about work.

Working from home can take some getting used to and can have a negative effect on your mental health – especially because it is enforced and often those who are now having to work from home have come out of an environment where they are with lots of people and get that human interaction more regularly. The NHS, Every Mind Matters, have put together 7 simple steps to help make working from home less stressful – its well worth a read

There are lots of useful free resources regarding looking after your mental health during this time which focus on the unique circumstances COVID-19 has created – everyone should make good use of them – check out the Mental Health at Work page for more details