Domestic Violence & Covid-19

Monday 30th March 2020

Following the restrictions imposed by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the police have reported a rise in domestic violence but there has been confusion about whether individuals can leave their homes and what help is available.

The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has made it clear that people suffering domestic violence are able to leave their home to seek help at refuges without fear of receiving a penalty for breaching the current Government rules. Domestic violence is not only physical violence but also includes verbal abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and coercive control.

If you are in this situation, we can help. We can apply to the courts for a Non-Molestation Order (an emergency injunction) which prevents an ex-partner from being abusive towards you and from contacting you in any way. Legal Aid is usually available so you do not need to worry about paying for legal representation.

In spite of the current restrictions, we remain fully operational and we are working remotely away from the office. If you need help because you are suffering domestic violence or if you are a professional working with an individual in need of support, please contact Waldrons on 01384 811 811 or email