Ah ah ah ah staying alert staying alert

Monday 9th November 2020

Employers in England should now be referring to the Cabinet Office Guidance: Staying Alert, Staying Safe. This guidance was last updated on 06.11.2020

It is a helpful guide as to whether or not you need to close and if not what to do, to keep your staff safe.

The Hands Face Space guidance remains in place. This should be adopted by all employers. You need to provide hand washing or hand sanitizing facilities, ensure 2 meter social distancing can be maintained or 1 meter with extra precautions, and provide for the wearing of face masks in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult or where your staff will come into contact with people they do not normally meet.

National restrictions came into force on 05.11.2020 until 02.12.2020 which require;

Those who can work from home to work from home – as an employer think about your homeworking policies. However, if people have to go to work then they can.

Avoid meeting people you do not live with except for specific purposes – one of the specific purposes is for work purposes.

Certain businesses have to close – these include non-essential retail, hospitality venues, accommodation (save for specific purposes), Leisure and sports facilities and entertainment venues, personal care facilities, community centres and places of worship with certain exceptions.

Covid-secure guidelines should be followed by those employers remaining open- these details can be found at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19